[elbe-devel] [PATCH] Fix bash completion support

Bastian Germann bage at linutronix.de
Tue Dec 20 14:22:16 CET 2022

When adding the bash completion support I renamed the bash-completion file
to be installed in the package where the executable is located.
Unfortunately, I tested the resulting Debian package build in the same bash
where the completion was already loaded and did not notice it does not work
that way.

As it is not Debian-related, move the completion file out of the debian
directory and reference it.

Fixes: 298ede3242 ("Add basic support for bash completion for elbe")
Signed-off-by: Bastian Germann <bage at linutronix.de>
 bash-completion                         | 200 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/python3-elbe-bin.bash-completion | 201 +-----------------------
 2 files changed, 201 insertions(+), 200 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 bash-completion

diff --git a/bash-completion b/bash-completion
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1547331cb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bash-completion
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Kaspar Giger <kg at kgmw.ch>
+# returns the available elbe commands. If elbe is installed together with grep and
+# sed the commands are extracted by asking the program. Otherwise a hardcoded (and
+# potentially outdated!) list is returned.
+    if [ -x "$(command -v ${COMP_WORDS[0]})" ] && [ -x "$(command -v grep)" ] && [ -x "$(command -v sed)" ]; then
+        # elbe tool is installed, get a fresh list of available commands by running the
+        # command and grepping the output
+        echo $(${COMP_WORDS[0]} | grep " \* " | sed 's/^\s*\*\s*//;')
+    else
+        # Fallback solution (elbe, grep, or sed not available): currently available
+        # list (as of Nov 2022)
+        echo 'add check_updates chg_archive control debianize diff get_archive
+              init initvm parselicence pbuilder pin_versions pkgdiff preprocess
+              prjrepo remove_sign repodir setsel show sign validate xsdtoasciidoc'
+    fi
+# returns the command line options for a given program, by running the program (including
+# the provided command line arguments!) and parsing the output. E.g. typically this would
+# be called like "foo --help".
+    echo $($1 2>&1 | grep -E '^[[:space:]]+\-' \
+                   | sed 's/, --/\n--/;s/^\s*//;' \
+                   | sed -E 's/^(\-+[^ =]*)(=?).*/\1\2/;')
+# returns the list of subcommands for an elbe command together with its command line options.
+# This is used e.g. for the command "control" which has some subcommands. Additionally there
+# exist command line options for "control". Both are returned.
+# In case elbe, grep, or sed is not installed then the input parameter is simply returned
+# (fallback solution).
+    if [ -x "$(command -v ${COMP_WORDS[0]})" ] && [ -x "$(command -v grep)" ] && [ -x "$(command -v sed)" ]; then
+        # elbe tool is installed, get a fresh list of available commands by running the
+        # command and grepping the output
+        commands=$(${COMP_WORDS[0]} ${COMP_WORDS[1]} 2>&1 | grep -E '^[[:space:]]' | sed 's/^\s*//;')
+        options=$(_get_cmd_options "${COMP_WORDS[0]} ${COMP_WORDS[1]} --help")
+        echo "${commands} ${options}"
+    else
+        # Fallback solution (elbe, grep, or sed not available): list the defaults passed
+        # as function argument
+        echo $1
+    fi
+# returns the command line options for a given elbe command. In case the list of commands cannot
+# be obtained by running the elbe program, the input parameter is simply returned (fallback
+# solution).
+    if [ -x "$(command -v ${COMP_WORDS[0]})" ] && [ -x "$(command -v grep)" ] && [ -x "$(command -v sed)" ]; then
+        # elbe tool is installed, get a fresh list of available commands by running the
+        # command and grepping the output
+        # explanation of the the grep and sed commands:
+        #  - grep... extracts lines starting with spaces followed by a dash (-)
+        #  - 1st sed... splits short and long options on separate lines (e.g. -h, --help)
+        #  - 2nd sed... extracts the name of the option (incl. optional =)
+        echo $(_get_cmd_options "${COMP_WORDS[0]} ${COMP_WORDS[1]}")
+    else
+        # Fallback solution (elbe, grep, or sed not available): list the defaults passed
+        # as function argument
+        echo $1
+    fi
+# bash tab completion for program "elbe"
+    local cur
+    _get_comp_words_by_ref -n = cur
+    if [[ "${cur}" == *= ]]; then
+        # if the last word typed ends with "=" then it's possible that the user
+        # might want to add a path after the "=", therefore offer him some file
+        # options. However, the current solution is very basic but rather suboptimal
+        # as the file doesn't nicely complete. No idea how to fix this though.
+        # Nevertheless, it's better than not offering any option at all
+        COMPREPLY=($(compgen -A file))
+        return 0
+    fi
+    # below, the basic approach is to run the elbe program and obtain the list of
+    # command line options and commands by. In some setups this might not be possible.
+    # In this case a fallback solution is implemented by hard-coding the avilable
+    # options/commands as currently present (as of Dec 2022). In order to keep the
+    # fallback solution updated, keep an eye on updating the list every now and then.
+    local cmd_opt=""
+    local file_arg=false
+    local disable_space=false
+    if [ "${#COMP_WORDS[@]}" -eq 2 ]; then
+        cmd_opt=$(_elbe_commands)
+    elif [ "${#COMP_WORDS[@]}" -ge 3 ]; then
+        local subcommand=${COMP_WORDS[1]}
+        case ${subcommand} in
+            pkgdiff|remove_sign|setsel|sign|validate)
+                file_arg=true
+                cmd_opt=" "
+                ;;
+            debianize)
+                cmd_opt=" "
+                ;;
+            control)
+                file_arg=true
+                disable_space=true
+                cmd_opt=$(_elbe_subcmd_with_opt 'rm_log list_projects list_users add_user create_project reset_project \
+                                                 del_project set_xml build build_sysroot build_sdk build_cdroms get_file \
+                                                 build_chroot_tarball dump_file get_files wait_busy set_cdrom set_orig \
+                                                 shutdown_initvm set_pdebuild build_pbuilder update_pbuilder \
+                                                 install_elbe_version')
+                ;;
+            check_updates)
+                file_arg=true
+                disable_space=true
+                disable_space=true
+                cmd_opt=$(_elbe_cmd_with_options '-h --help -s --script= --skip-validation -c --changelog=')
+                ;;
+            chg_archive)
+                file_arg=true
+                cmd_opt=$(_elbe_cmd_with_options '-h --help --keep-attributes')
+                ;;
+            init)
+                file_arg=true
+                disable_space=true
+                cmd_opt=$(_elbe_cmd_with_options '-h --help --skip-validation --directory= --cdrom= --buildtype= \
+                                                  --debug --devel --nesting --skip-build-bin --skip-build-sources')
+                ;;
+            initvm)
+                cmd_opt=$(_elbe_subcmd_with_opt 'attach create ensure start stop submit sync')
+                ;;
+            parselicence)
+                file_arg=true
+                disable_space=true
+                cmd_opt=$(_elbe_cmd_with_options '-h --help -s --script= --skip-validation -c --changelog=')
+                ;;
+            pbuilder)
+                file_arg=true
+                disable_space=true
+                cmd_opt=$(_elbe_subcmd_with_opt 'build create --cpuset= --cross --help --origfile= -p \
+                                                 --project= --skip-download --variants= --xmlfile= --ccache-size= \
+                                                 -h --no-ccache --output= --profile= --proxy= -v --writeproject=')
+                ;;
+            pin_versions)
+                file_arg=true
+                cmd_opt=$(_elbe_cmd_with_options '-h --help --skip-validation')
+                ;;
+            preprocess)
+                file_arg=true
+                cmd_opt=$(_elbe_cmd_with_options '-h --help -o --output= -v --variants= -p --proxy=')
+                ;;
+            prjrepo)
+                disable_space=true
+                cmd_opt=$(_elbe_subcmd_with_opt 'list_packages download upload_pkg -h --help --host= \
+                                                 --port= --pass= --user= --retries= --debug --ignore-version-diff')
+                ;;
+            repodir)
+                file_arg=true
+                disable_space=true
+                cmd_opt=$(_elbe_cmd_with_options '-h --help -o --output=')
+                ;;
+            show)
+                file_arg=true
+                cmd_opt=$(_elbe_cmd_with_options '-h --help --verbose --skip-validation')
+                ;;
+            xsdtoasciidoc)
+                file_arg=true
+                disable_space=true
+                cmd_opt=$(_elbe_cmd_with_options '-h --help --output=')
+                ;;
+            *)
+                ;;
+        esac
+    fi
+    if [ "${disable_space}" = true ]; then
+        # we need the nospace option below to avoid the space after the "--abc=" options
+        compopt -o nospace
+    fi
+    local compgen_arg=""
+    if [ "${file_arg}" = true ]; then
+        compgen_arg="${compgen_arg} -A file"
+    fi
+    if [ "${cmd_opt}" ]; then
+        COMPREPLY=($(compgen ${compgen_arg} -W "${cmd_opt}" -- ${cur}))
+    else
+        compopt -o default
+        COMPREPLY=()
+    fi
+complete -F _cmd_args_completion_elbe elbe
diff --git a/debian/python3-elbe-bin.bash-completion b/debian/python3-elbe-bin.bash-completion
index 1547331cb6..458920eda6 100644
--- a/debian/python3-elbe-bin.bash-completion
+++ b/debian/python3-elbe-bin.bash-completion
@@ -1,200 +1 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Kaspar Giger <kg at kgmw.ch>
-# returns the available elbe commands. If elbe is installed together with grep and
-# sed the commands are extracted by asking the program. Otherwise a hardcoded (and
-# potentially outdated!) list is returned.
-    if [ -x "$(command -v ${COMP_WORDS[0]})" ] && [ -x "$(command -v grep)" ] && [ -x "$(command -v sed)" ]; then
-        # elbe tool is installed, get a fresh list of available commands by running the
-        # command and grepping the output
-        echo $(${COMP_WORDS[0]} | grep " \* " | sed 's/^\s*\*\s*//;')
-    else
-        # Fallback solution (elbe, grep, or sed not available): currently available
-        # list (as of Nov 2022)
-        echo 'add check_updates chg_archive control debianize diff get_archive
-              init initvm parselicence pbuilder pin_versions pkgdiff preprocess
-              prjrepo remove_sign repodir setsel show sign validate xsdtoasciidoc'
-    fi
-# returns the command line options for a given program, by running the program (including
-# the provided command line arguments!) and parsing the output. E.g. typically this would
-# be called like "foo --help".
-    echo $($1 2>&1 | grep -E '^[[:space:]]+\-' \
-                   | sed 's/, --/\n--/;s/^\s*//;' \
-                   | sed -E 's/^(\-+[^ =]*)(=?).*/\1\2/;')
-# returns the list of subcommands for an elbe command together with its command line options.
-# This is used e.g. for the command "control" which has some subcommands. Additionally there
-# exist command line options for "control". Both are returned.
-# In case elbe, grep, or sed is not installed then the input parameter is simply returned
-# (fallback solution).
-    if [ -x "$(command -v ${COMP_WORDS[0]})" ] && [ -x "$(command -v grep)" ] && [ -x "$(command -v sed)" ]; then
-        # elbe tool is installed, get a fresh list of available commands by running the
-        # command and grepping the output
-        commands=$(${COMP_WORDS[0]} ${COMP_WORDS[1]} 2>&1 | grep -E '^[[:space:]]' | sed 's/^\s*//;')
-        options=$(_get_cmd_options "${COMP_WORDS[0]} ${COMP_WORDS[1]} --help")
-        echo "${commands} ${options}"
-    else
-        # Fallback solution (elbe, grep, or sed not available): list the defaults passed
-        # as function argument
-        echo $1
-    fi
-# returns the command line options for a given elbe command. In case the list of commands cannot
-# be obtained by running the elbe program, the input parameter is simply returned (fallback
-# solution).
-    if [ -x "$(command -v ${COMP_WORDS[0]})" ] && [ -x "$(command -v grep)" ] && [ -x "$(command -v sed)" ]; then
-        # elbe tool is installed, get a fresh list of available commands by running the
-        # command and grepping the output
-        # explanation of the the grep and sed commands:
-        #  - grep... extracts lines starting with spaces followed by a dash (-)
-        #  - 1st sed... splits short and long options on separate lines (e.g. -h, --help)
-        #  - 2nd sed... extracts the name of the option (incl. optional =)
-        echo $(_get_cmd_options "${COMP_WORDS[0]} ${COMP_WORDS[1]}")
-    else
-        # Fallback solution (elbe, grep, or sed not available): list the defaults passed
-        # as function argument
-        echo $1
-    fi
-# bash tab completion for program "elbe"
-    local cur
-    _get_comp_words_by_ref -n = cur
-    if [[ "${cur}" == *= ]]; then
-        # if the last word typed ends with "=" then it's possible that the user
-        # might want to add a path after the "=", therefore offer him some file
-        # options. However, the current solution is very basic but rather suboptimal
-        # as the file doesn't nicely complete. No idea how to fix this though.
-        # Nevertheless, it's better than not offering any option at all
-        COMPREPLY=($(compgen -A file))
-        return 0
-    fi
-    # below, the basic approach is to run the elbe program and obtain the list of
-    # command line options and commands by. In some setups this might not be possible.
-    # In this case a fallback solution is implemented by hard-coding the avilable
-    # options/commands as currently present (as of Dec 2022). In order to keep the
-    # fallback solution updated, keep an eye on updating the list every now and then.
-    local cmd_opt=""
-    local file_arg=false
-    local disable_space=false
-    if [ "${#COMP_WORDS[@]}" -eq 2 ]; then
-        cmd_opt=$(_elbe_commands)
-    elif [ "${#COMP_WORDS[@]}" -ge 3 ]; then
-        local subcommand=${COMP_WORDS[1]}
-        case ${subcommand} in
-            pkgdiff|remove_sign|setsel|sign|validate)
-                file_arg=true
-                cmd_opt=" "
-                ;;
-            debianize)
-                cmd_opt=" "
-                ;;
-            control)
-                file_arg=true
-                disable_space=true
-                cmd_opt=$(_elbe_subcmd_with_opt 'rm_log list_projects list_users add_user create_project reset_project \
-                                                 del_project set_xml build build_sysroot build_sdk build_cdroms get_file \
-                                                 build_chroot_tarball dump_file get_files wait_busy set_cdrom set_orig \
-                                                 shutdown_initvm set_pdebuild build_pbuilder update_pbuilder \
-                                                 install_elbe_version')
-                ;;
-            check_updates)
-                file_arg=true
-                disable_space=true
-                disable_space=true
-                cmd_opt=$(_elbe_cmd_with_options '-h --help -s --script= --skip-validation -c --changelog=')
-                ;;
-            chg_archive)
-                file_arg=true
-                cmd_opt=$(_elbe_cmd_with_options '-h --help --keep-attributes')
-                ;;
-            init)
-                file_arg=true
-                disable_space=true
-                cmd_opt=$(_elbe_cmd_with_options '-h --help --skip-validation --directory= --cdrom= --buildtype= \
-                                                  --debug --devel --nesting --skip-build-bin --skip-build-sources')
-                ;;
-            initvm)
-                cmd_opt=$(_elbe_subcmd_with_opt 'attach create ensure start stop submit sync')
-                ;;
-            parselicence)
-                file_arg=true
-                disable_space=true
-                cmd_opt=$(_elbe_cmd_with_options '-h --help -s --script= --skip-validation -c --changelog=')
-                ;;
-            pbuilder)
-                file_arg=true
-                disable_space=true
-                cmd_opt=$(_elbe_subcmd_with_opt 'build create --cpuset= --cross --help --origfile= -p \
-                                                 --project= --skip-download --variants= --xmlfile= --ccache-size= \
-                                                 -h --no-ccache --output= --profile= --proxy= -v --writeproject=')
-                ;;
-            pin_versions)
-                file_arg=true
-                cmd_opt=$(_elbe_cmd_with_options '-h --help --skip-validation')
-                ;;
-            preprocess)
-                file_arg=true
-                cmd_opt=$(_elbe_cmd_with_options '-h --help -o --output= -v --variants= -p --proxy=')
-                ;;
-            prjrepo)
-                disable_space=true
-                cmd_opt=$(_elbe_subcmd_with_opt 'list_packages download upload_pkg -h --help --host= \
-                                                 --port= --pass= --user= --retries= --debug --ignore-version-diff')
-                ;;
-            repodir)
-                file_arg=true
-                disable_space=true
-                cmd_opt=$(_elbe_cmd_with_options '-h --help -o --output=')
-                ;;
-            show)
-                file_arg=true
-                cmd_opt=$(_elbe_cmd_with_options '-h --help --verbose --skip-validation')
-                ;;
-            xsdtoasciidoc)
-                file_arg=true
-                disable_space=true
-                cmd_opt=$(_elbe_cmd_with_options '-h --help --output=')
-                ;;
-            *)
-                ;;
-        esac
-    fi
-    if [ "${disable_space}" = true ]; then
-        # we need the nospace option below to avoid the space after the "--abc=" options
-        compopt -o nospace
-    fi
-    local compgen_arg=""
-    if [ "${file_arg}" = true ]; then
-        compgen_arg="${compgen_arg} -A file"
-    fi
-    if [ "${cmd_opt}" ]; then
-        COMPREPLY=($(compgen ${compgen_arg} -W "${cmd_opt}" -- ${cur}))
-    else
-        compopt -o default
-        COMPREPLY=()
-    fi
-complete -F _cmd_args_completion_elbe elbe
+bash-completion elbe

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