[elbe-devel] [PATCH v1 2/2] examples: armhf-ti-beaglebone-black.xml

Bastian Germann bage at linutronix.de
Fri Jul 15 00:20:16 CEST 2022

Am 14.07.22 um 22:52 schrieb John Ogness:
> On 2022-07-14, Bastian Germann <bage at linutronix.de> wrote:
>>> * Add package build in pbuilder to binary packages. It doesn't make
>>>     sense to build the source package and not having the binaries
>>>     finally.
>>> Signed-off-by: Viraj Shah <viraj.shah at linutronix.de>
>> Please check if the right version is installed (the built one, not the
>> one from Debian).  Else, this needs to pin the version.
> Isn't it just rebuilding the exact same Debian package? Is that even
> something that someone would want to do?
> AFAICT, using src-pkg with pbuilder only makes sense if you have a
> source repository containing the source package but you do _not_ have
> any binary repository containing the binary package. I expect that this
> is the use case that should be tested.
> Or am I missing the point about why the src-pkg option of pbuilder
> exists?

No, You are right. But as an example for that pbuilder feature needs to come
from some publically accessible repo I used the already referenced repo.
That can be relied on to continue to exist.

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