[elbe-devel] rootfs partition image?

Norbert Nemec | BLOKS. nn at bloks.de
Mon Nov 30 13:27:02 CET 2015

Hi there,

I have a bootable image for my board created with buildroot. Now I am 
trying to set up an ELBE build in the same way.

The difficulty is that with buildroot I am installing the u-boot binary 
into the boot sector of the disk, not inside any partition. The rootfs 
that drops out of buildroot is an image of a single partition, not a 
whole disk. In essence the script for writing the buildroot binaries to 
an SD card is as follows:

dd if=/dev/zero of=$CARD bs=1M count=1
dd if=$IMAGES/u-boot-with-spl.bin of=$CARD bs=1024 seek=8
sfdisk --in-order -L -uM $CARD <<EOT
dd if=$IMAGES/rootfs.ext2 of=${CARD}p1

Now: with ELBE, I could only find examples producing disk images or 
rootfs tar archives. For the former, I am missing some way to write a 
binary chunk at the beginning of the image outside the partitions. For 
the latter: I tried to unpack the tar directly into the empty partition, 
but this took ages and the result did not work as expected. (My guess is 
that a naive 'tar xfz' was missing some details in unpacking)

Is it possible with elbe to create a partition image instead of a full 
disk image? Or to write a boot sector to the disk image? Any other ideas?

Does anyone have experience with boards that expect to find u-boot at 
the beginning of the disk?


Dr. Norbert Nemec
Software Manager

Agnes-Pockels-Bogen 1
80992 Munich

Phone +49 89 5505 461 - 21
Email nn at bloks.de

VAT-ID: DE297724169 | Registered Court: AG Munich | HRB 215232 | Managing Director: Daniel Meermann

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