[elbe-devel] KVM on 32-bit host

Mark Ruys mark.ruys at sensoterra.com
Tue Apr 26 09:02:02 CEST 2016

> at the moment, only amd64 initvm's are supported. So you are emulating a 64 bit CPU on a 32 bit Host with
> nested virtualization, obviously you triggered some bugs, but even if it works it is very very slow.
> We are planning to support other architectures for the initvm. At least arm64 would be very cool to have for
> building arm based images. Another thing is, that we want to drop the 'elbe-bootstrap' package that is a
> wrapper package for the debian-installer. I'd like to change both things in one step. But i can't promise
> a date we come up with a working solution.
>  Manuel

Ah, I wasn't aware that the host OS should be amd64. Missed that in the documentation. 
No problem, I'll just run ELBE inside a 64 VM. I'm really happy how ELBE builds our rootfs tar balls!

Hijacking my own thread, I saw the XML config file is being exported to the generated rootfs image. I've added 


in the fine tuning as it contains commands to create user accounts. We don't want our passwords plain text 0644 file in the image. You might want to make copying in the XML a configuration option so we know we need to choose.

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