[elbe-devel] elbe-rfs and stretch

John Ogness john.ogness at linutronix.de
Thu Dec 8 08:28:09 CET 2016

On 2016-12-07, Christian Schroeder <schroeder at cognitec.com> wrote:
> I'd like to know if it should already be possible to use elbe with xml
> files pointing to debian "testing" (stretch).

Yes, it works since commit 6987cb6464d57b59ee629e44e49810a176a95b1c
(2016-11-21). So you will need to create your initvm with the latest
devel/elbe-2.0 code.

Also, on your initvm you will need to install the "testing" version of
the "debootstrap" package. You can download that package from:


and then manually install it with:

  dpkg -i debootstrap_*_all.deb

Once that is installed in the initvm, you can generate stretch and sid
root filesystems.

John Ogness

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