[elbe-devel] [PATCH] debianize: create linux-headers which can be used for modules build

Philipp Rosenberger p.rosenberger at linutronix.de
Mon Jul 10 13:32:46 CEST 2017

The old linux-headers package could only be used to build libc and applications.
This package has been renamed to linux-libc-dev. The linux-headers packge can
now be used to build external modules.

The code was taken from mainline debianization (deb-pkg).

Signed-off-by: Philipp Rosenberger <p.rosenberger at linutronix.de>
 elbepack/makofiles/debianize/kernel/control.mako |  9 +++-
 elbepack/makofiles/debianize/kernel/rules.mako   | 55 ++++++++++++++++++++----
 2 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/elbepack/makofiles/debianize/kernel/control.mako b/elbepack/makofiles/debianize/kernel/control.mako
index 0c8d53c..9e69fc1 100644
--- a/elbepack/makofiles/debianize/kernel/control.mako
+++ b/elbepack/makofiles/debianize/kernel/control.mako
@@ -17,9 +17,16 @@ Description: Linux kernel, version ${p_name} ${k_version}
 Package: linux-headers-${p_name}-${k_version}
 Provides: linux-headers, linux-headers-2.6
-Replaces: linux-libc-dev
 Architecture: ${p_arch}
 Description: Linux kernel headers
  This package provides kernel header files
  This is useful for people who need to build external modules
+Package: linux-libc-dev-${p_name}-${k_version}
+Provides: linux-libc-dev, linux-kernel-headers, linux-headers-2.6
+Replaces: linux-libc-dev
+Architecture: ${p_arch}
+Description: Linux support headers for userspace development
+ This package provides userspaces headers from the Linux kernel. These headers
+ are used by the installed headers for GNU glibc and other system libraries.
diff --git a/elbepack/makofiles/debianize/kernel/rules.mako b/elbepack/makofiles/debianize/kernel/rules.mako
index b28d301..6515a15 100755
--- a/elbepack/makofiles/debianize/kernel/rules.mako
+++ b/elbepack/makofiles/debianize/kernel/rules.mako
@@ -1,22 +1,40 @@
 #!/usr/bin/make -f
+PWD:=$(shell pwd)
+# Additional ARCH settings for x86
+ifeq ($(ARCH),i386)
+        SRCARCH := x86
+ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
+        SRCARCH := x86
-ARCH=${k_arch} \
-CROSS_COMPILE=${cross_compile} \
-KERNELRELEASE=${k_version}-${p_name} \
 LOADADDR=${loadaddr} \
 ifneq (,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
     NUMJOBS = $(patsubst parallel=%,%,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
@@ -47,6 +65,25 @@ override_dh_auto_install:
 	$(MAKE) $(MAKE_OPTS) firmware_install
 	$(MAKE) $(MAKE_OPTS) headers_install
 	test ${k_arch} = arm && make $(MAKE_OPTS) dtbs_install || true
+	# Build kernel header package
+	rm -f "$(TMP_DIR)/lib/modules/$(REL)/build" "$(TMP_DIR)/lib/modules/$(REL)/source"
+	find . -name Makefile\* -o -name Kconfig\* -o -name \*.pl > $(DEB_DIR)/hdrsrcfiles
+	find arch/*/include include scripts -type f >> $(DEB_DIR)/hdrsrcfiles
+	find arch/$(SRCARCH) -name module.lds -o -name Kbuild.platforms -o -name Platform >> $(DEB_DIR)/hdrsrcfiles
+	find `find arch/$(SRCARCH) -name include -o -name scripts -type d` -type f >> $(DEB_DIR)/hdrsrcfiles
+	if grep -q '^CONFIG_STACK_VALIDATION=y' $(BUILD_DIR)/.config ; then \
+		(cd $(BUILD_DIR); find tools/objtool -type f -executable) >> $(DEB_DIR)/hdrobjfiles ; \
+	fi
+	(cd $(BUILD_DIR); find arch/$(SRCARCH)/include Module.symvers include scripts -type f) >> $(DEB_DIR)/hdrobjfiles
+	if grep -q '^CONFIG_GCC_PLUGINS=y' $(BUILD_DIR)/.config ; then \
+			(cd $(BUILD_DIR); find scripts/gcc-plugins -name \*.so -o -name gcc-common.h) >> $(DEB_DIR)/hdrobjfiles ; \
+	fi
+	mkdir -p "$(KERNEL_HDR_PATH)"
+	tar -c -f - -T - < "$(DEB_DIR)/hdrsrcfiles" | (cd $(KERNEL_HDR_PATH); tar -xf -)
+	(cd $(BUILD_DIR); tar -c -f - -T -) < "$(DEB_DIR)/hdrobjfiles" | (cd $(KERNEL_HDR_PATH); tar -xf -)
+	(cd $(BUILD_DIR); cp $(BUILD_DIR)/.config $(KERNEL_HDR_PATH)/.config) # copy .config manually to be where it's expected to be
+	ln -sf "/usr/src/linux-headers-$(REL)" "$(TMP_DIR)/lib/modules/$(REL)/build"
+	rm -f "$(DEB_DIR)/hdrsrcfiles" "$(DEB_DIR)/hdrobjfiles"
 	dh $@

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