[elbe-devel] [PATCH] preseed.cfg: from iso, always install packages from main suite

John Ogness john.ogness at linutronix.de
Mon Nov 20 15:07:58 CET 2017

When installing a root filesytem via network, it is possible that
packages come from other suites (i.e. jessie-backports). However,
when the bin-cdrom.iso is created, all installed initvm packages
are put into the same "main" suite (i.e. jessie).

Originally, when installing via network, it was correct that
debootstrap/jessie-backports was specified in the pkgsel preseed.
But when the same root filesystem is installed via bin-cdrom.iso,
there is no jessie-backports and instead the desired debootstrap
package is in jessie.

When installing from bin-cdrom.iso, strip any non-main suites.
The desired packages will be in the main suite.

Signed-off-by: John Ogness <john.ogness at linutronix.de>
 elbepack/init/preseed.cfg.mako | 6 +++++-
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/elbepack/init/preseed.cfg.mako b/elbepack/init/preseed.cfg.mako
index e318d867..086ad849 100644
--- a/elbepack/init/preseed.cfg.mako
+++ b/elbepack/init/preseed.cfg.mako
@@ -108,7 +108,11 @@ debathena-transform-lighttpd \
 elbe-soap elbe-buildenv qemu-elbe-user-static \
 % for n in pkgs:
 % if n.tag == "pkg":
-  ${n.et.text} \
+%   if prj.has("mirror/primary_host") or not prj.node("mirror/cdrom") or n.et.text.find('/') == -1:
+${n.et.text} \
+%   else:
+${n.et.text[:n.et.text.find('/')]} \
+%   endif
 % endif
 % endfor

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