[elbe-devel] [PATCH 7/7] initvmaction: use systemwide libvirt instance

John Ogness john.ogness at linutronix.de
Mon Apr 16 11:23:43 CEST 2018

On 2018-04-16, Torben Hohn <torben.hohn at linutronix.de> wrote:
>>> this change allows several users to share the initvm, because using
>>> the same filesystem image with more than one user results in hard to
>>> debug deadlocking problems with domain start and creation.
>>> due to soap tcp port conflicts, we can have a single initvm per
>>> host, anyways, so we move it to the system libvirt.
>> The SOAP port can be configured. Running multiple initvm instances
>> simultaneously on different ports is something that is used.
>> This is not an argument against moving to the system libvirt. I do
>> not understand enough about libvirt to comment on that. Just please
>> do not mention the SOAP port as your justification.
> would this be more appropriate:
> This move makes it necessary, that the initvm domain name is configured
> to a different name, when more than one initvm shall be running on a
> single host.
> Due to soap tcp port conflicts, we need special configuration of SOAP
> Ports already, so this just requires one more thing that needs to be
> configured, when more than one initvm shall run on a single host.

Yes, much better. Thank you.

> it might also be an option to derive the libvirt domain name from the
> soap port. This would reduce config options, but is also not very
> intuitive. I would prefer "initvm-torbenh" and "initvm-jogness"
> showing up in "virsh list" over "initvm-5678" and friends.

I think it is ok that there are two options that need to be
adjusted. The two options really have nothing to do with each other and
probably should not be coupled in any way.

John Ogness

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