[elbe-devel] [PATCH v2 5/6] pkgutils: cleanup non-virtapt fallback

Torben Hohn torben.hohn at linutronix.de
Wed Sep 26 12:13:51 CEST 2018

since elbe uses elbepack.debinstaller outside of the initvm now,
the non-virtap fallback code it not needed anymore.

remove it and make pkgutils.py pylint clean.
Also rename the, now moved to debinstaller, NoKinitrdException
to NoPackageException.

Signed-off-by: Torben Hohn <torben.hohn at linutronix.de>
 elbepack/pkgutils.py | 162 ++++++++-------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 139 deletions(-)

diff --git a/elbepack/pkgutils.py b/elbepack/pkgutils.py
index 08b6003d..1a619d6e 100644
--- a/elbepack/pkgutils.py
+++ b/elbepack/pkgutils.py
@@ -7,48 +7,17 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
-# different module names in python 2 and 3
-    import urllib.request
-    # when running inside pylint this import fails
-    # disable no-member here
-    #
-    # pylint: disable=no-member
-    urlopen = urllib.request.urlopen
-except ImportError:
-    import urllib2
-    urlopen = urllib2.urlopen
 import os
-import hashlib
 from tempfile import mkdtemp
-from pkg_resources import parse_version as V
+from apt_pkg import TagFile
 from elbepack.shellhelper import CommandError, system
+from elbepack.virtapt import get_virtaptcache
+from elbepack.hashes import validate_sha256, HashValidationFailed
-    # this can not be grouped properly
-    # because we can fallback of apt_pkg is not available
-    #
-    # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
-    from apt_pkg import TagFile
-    from elbepack.virtapt import get_virtaptcache
-    virtapt_imported = True
-except ImportError as e:
-    print(e)
-    print("WARNING - python-apt not available:")
-    print("If there are multiple versions of elbe-bootstrap packages on the "
-          "mirror(s) elbe selects the first package it has found.")
-    print("There is no guarantee that the latest package is used.")
-    print("To ensure this, the python-apt package needs to be installed.")
-    virtapt_imported = False
+class NoPackageException(Exception):
+    pass
 def get_sources_list(prj, defs):
@@ -93,77 +62,6 @@ def get_key_list(prj):
     return retval
-def get_initrd_pkg(prj, defs):
-    initrdname = prj.text("buildimage/kinitrd", default=defs, key="kinitrd")
-    return initrdname
-def get_url(arch, suite, target_pkg, mirror, comp='main'):
-    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
-    try:
-        pack_url = "%s/dists/%s/%s/binary-%s/Packages" % (
-            mirror.replace("LOCALMACHINE", "localhost"), suite, comp, arch)
-        packages = urllib2.urlopen(pack_url, None, 10)
-        packages = packages.readlines()
-        packages = [x for x in packages if x.startswith("Filename")]
-        packages = [x for x in packages if x.find(target_pkg) != -1]
-        # detect package with latest version number
-        latest_version_str = '0+deb0u0+deb8'
-        latest_version_pos = 0
-        cnt = 0
-        for x in packages:
-            # extract version from path/name_version_arch
-            version = x.split('_')[1]
-            subcount = 0
-            # iterate over all parts of the version seperated by '+'
-            # this is enough for elbe-bootstrap package, however '~', etc.
-            # should be considered for official debian packages..
-            for subv in version.split('+'):
-                try:
-                    if V(subv) >= V(latest_version_str.split('+')[subcount]):
-                        subcount = subcount + 1
-                    else:
-                        break
-                # current version has more parts then the reference version
-                except IndexError:
-                    subcount = subcount + 1
-            # if iteration over all parts of the version string suceeded,
-            # a new latest_version is detected
-            if subcount == len(version.split('+')):
-                latest_version_pos = cnt
-                latest_version_str = version
-            cnt = cnt + 1
-        urla = packages[latest_version_pos].split()
-        url = "%s/%s" % (mirror.replace("LOCALMACHINE", "localhost"), urla[1])
-    except IOError:
-        url = ""
-    except IndexError:
-        url = ""
-    return url
-def get_uri_nonvirtapt(apt_sources, target_pkg, arch):
-    for apts in apt_sources.splitlines():
-        apts_split = apts.strip().split(' ')
-        if apts_split[0] != 'deb':
-            continue
-        for comp in apts_split[2:]:
-            pkg = get_url(arch, apts_split[2], target_pkg, apts_split[1], comp)
-            if pkg:
-                return [(target_pkg, pkg, "")]
-    return [(target_pkg, "nonexistent://" + target_pkg, "")]
 def get_uri(prj, defs, arch, target_pkg, incl_deps=False):
     if arch == "default":
         arch = prj.text("buildimage/arch", default=defs, key="arch")
@@ -172,26 +70,15 @@ def get_uri(prj, defs, arch, target_pkg, incl_deps=False):
     apt_sources = get_sources_list(prj, defs)
     apt_keys = get_key_list(prj)
-    if virtapt_imported:
-        try:
-            if arch == "default":
-                arch = prj.text("buildimage/arch", default=defs, key="arch")
-            suite = prj.text("suite")
-            v = get_virtaptcache(arch, suite, apt_sources, "", apt_keys)
-        except Exception as e:
-            print("python-apt failed, using fallback code: %s" % e)
-            return get_uri_nonvirtapt(apt_sources, target_pkg, arch)
-        ret = v.get_uri(target_pkg, incl_deps)
-        return ret
-    return get_uri_nonvirtapt(apt_sources, target_pkg, arch)
+    if arch == "default":
+        arch = prj.text("buildimage/arch", default=defs, key="arch")
+    suite = prj.text("suite")
+    v = get_virtaptcache(arch, suite, apt_sources, "", apt_keys)
+    ret = v.get_uri(target_pkg, incl_deps)
+    return ret
 def get_dsc_size(fname):
-    if not virtapt_imported:
-        return 0
     tf = TagFile(fname)
     sz = os.path.getsize(fname)
@@ -204,7 +91,6 @@ def get_dsc_size(fname):
     return sz
 def download_pkg(prj,
@@ -220,14 +106,14 @@ def download_pkg(prj,
         urilist = get_uri(prj, defs, arch, package, incl_deps)
     except KeyError:
-        raise NoKinitrdException('no package %s available' % package)
+        raise NoPackageException('no package %s available' % package)
     except SystemError:
-        raise NoKinitrdException('a configured mirror is not reachable')
+        raise NoPackageException('a configured mirror is not reachable')
     except CommandError:
-        raise NoKinitrdException("couldn't download package %s" % package)
+        raise NoPackageException("couldn't download package %s" % package)
     if not urilist:
-        raise NoKinitrdException("couldn't download package %s" % package)
+        raise NoPackageException("couldn't download package %s" % package)
     for u in urilist:
         sha256 = u[2]
@@ -240,19 +126,17 @@ def download_pkg(prj,
             elif uri.startswith("http://") or uri.startswith("ftp://"):
                 system('wget -O "%s" "%s"' % (dest, uri))
-                raise NoKinitrdException('could not retreive %s' % uri)
+                raise NoPackageException('could not retreive %s' % uri)
         except CommandError:
-            raise NoKinitrdException("couldn't download package %s" % package)
+            raise NoPackageException("couldn't download package %s" % package)
         if sha256:
-            m = hashlib.sha256()
-            with open(dest, "rb") as f:
-                buf = f.read(65536)
-                while len(buf) > 0:
-                    m.update(buf)
-                    buf = f.read(65536)
-            if m.hexdigest() != sha256:
-                raise NoKinitrdException('%s failed to verify !!!' % package)
+            try:
+                validate_sha256(dest, sha256)
+            except HashValidationFailed as e:
+                raise NoPackageException('%s failed to verify: %s' %
+                        package,
+                        e.message)
             if log:
                 log.printo("WARNING: Using untrusted %s package" % package)

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