[elbe-devel] [PATCH 0/4] Initvm - Buster

dion at linutronix.de dion at linutronix.de
Mon Jul 29 17:16:23 CEST 2019

From: Olivier Dion <dion at linutronix.de>

This patch ports the initvm to buster.

The workaround with debathena should be reverted in the future when
lighttpd doesn't look for the .assign.pl file.  It would also be nice
to understand this behavior and document it.

The python-apt is very broken.  A nullptr deference is made when
looking for a checksum of a package and it doesn't have one.

For example, using md5 will result in a SystemError, crashing the
daemon.  There's no possible way to avoid this since this is in C++.

Using sha256 solves this on Buster since all packages must have a
sha256 checksum.

I suggest to ditch python-apt completely in the future, it's utterly

Olivier Dion (4):
  Port 'default-init.xml' to Buster
  Workaround for missing 'create-mime.assign.pl'
  Change md5 to sha256 for APTPackage
  Change md5 to sha256

 .../debian/debathena-transform-lighttpd.transform  |  7 +++++-
 elbepack/aptpkgutils.py                            | 15 ++++++-------
 elbepack/dump.py                                   | 12 +++++-----
 elbepack/elbexml.py                                |  4 ++--
 elbepack/init/default-init.xml                     | 26 ++++++++--------------
 elbepack/updatepkg.py                              |  2 +-
 schema/dbsfed.xsd                                  |  4 ++--
 7 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)


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