[elbe-devel] [PATCH v3 5/7] schema dbsfed: Add schema definitions for image checker

Olivier Dion dion at linutronix.de
Thu Aug 20 18:02:13 CEST 2020

The <check-img-list> tag can be set at the top of the XML, alongs with
<project> and <target>.  It containts a sequence of <check-img> tag.

<check> tags allow to validate an image by emulating it in QEMU and
communicating with a serial line.  They are composed of the following

        The <img> node must be provided.  It specifies which image to
        test.  This can be a raw image or a .tgz image.

        The <interpreter> node must be provided.  It is the name of
        the QEMU executable for interpreting the image.

        The <interpreter-opts> node must be provided.  It is the
        options passed to the interpreter.  You can safely assume that
        the image that you want to emulated is in the path contained
        in the environment variable ELBE_IMG.  Word expansion is done
        only on options passed to the interpreter.

        The <action> determines which action is to be done on the
        emulated image.  Valid action are:

                - <serial>.  It describes a sequence of interactions
                between the host and the guest using a serial line.
                It is composed of a sequence of <serial-action> group
                nodes.  Possible values are <expect>, <sendline> and

                - <login>.  It's a special cases of
                <serial>.  It will simply do a serial communication
                with the guest to try to connect as root then exit.

Signed-off-by: Olivier Dion <dion at linutronix.de>
Reviewed-by: Torben Hohn <torben.hohn at linutronix.de>
 schema/dbsfed.xsd | 130 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 130 insertions(+)

diff --git a/schema/dbsfed.xsd b/schema/dbsfed.xsd
index 07805ebf..c1f72c8a 100644
--- a/schema/dbsfed.xsd
+++ b/schema/dbsfed.xsd
@@ -41,6 +41,13 @@
+      <element name="check-image-list" type="rfs:check-image-list" minOccurs="0">
+        <annotation>
+          <documentation>
+	    Sequence of image to check for emulation.
+          </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+      </element>
       <element name="target" type="rfs:target" minOccurs="0">
@@ -536,6 +543,129 @@
     <attribute ref="xml:base"/>
+  <complexType name="check-image-list">
+    <annotation>
+      <documentation>
+        Describes a sequence of check to be done on images.
+      </documentation>
+    </annotation>
+    <sequence>
+      <element name="check" type="rfs:check-img" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10">
+      </element>
+    </sequence>
+  </complexType>
+  <complexType name="check-img">
+    <all>
+      <element name="img" type="rfs:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
+        <annotation>
+          <documentation>
+            Name of the image in the build to emulate.  Image that
+            were .tgz are also accepted.
+          </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+      </element>
+      <element name="interpreter" type="rfs:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
+        <annotation>
+          <documentation>
+            Name of the interpreter to use for the emulation.  e.g.,
+            qemu-system-x86_64 or qemu-system-ppc, etc.
+          </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+      </element>
+      <element name="interpreter-opts" type="rfs:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
+        <annotation>
+          <documentation>
+            Options to pass to the interpreter. e.g., -enable-kvm or
+            -drive format=raw,file=$ELBE_IMG or -hda $ELBE_IMG
+            Word expansion is done before passing it to the
+            interpreter.  You can safely assume that the environment
+            variable ELBE_IMG contains the absolute path to the target
+            image to emulate.
+          </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+      </element>
+      <element name="action" type="rfs:check-img-action">
+        <annotation>
+          <documentation>
+            Action to be done on the target image to emulate.
+          </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+      </element>
+    </all>
+  </complexType>
+  <complexType name="check-img-action">
+    <annotation>
+      <documentation>
+        Action to perform on the images of a build.
+      </documentation>
+    </annotation>
+    <choice>
+      <element name="login" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
+        <annotation>
+          <documentation>
+            Try to login into root session and shutdown the machine
+          </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+      </element>
+      <element name="serial" type="rfs:serial" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
+        <annotation>
+          <documentation>
+            Serial communication to do with the interpreter.  This
+            requires '-serial stdio' for QEMU's interpreters.
+          </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+      </element>
+    </choice>
+  </complexType>
+  <complexType name="serial">
+    <annotation>
+      <documentation>
+        Describes a communication to do over a serial line.  The
+        communication is done sequentially as it.
+      </documentation>
+    </annotation>
+    <sequence>
+      <group ref="rfs:serial-action" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
+    </sequence>
+  </complexType>
+  <group name="serial-action">
+    <annotation>
+      <documentation>
+        Definition of possible action on serial communication.
+      </documentation>
+    </annotation>
+    <choice>
+        <element name="expect" type="rfs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
+        <annotation>
+          <documentation>
+            A regular expression to expect to receive on the line.
+          </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+      </element>
+      <element name="sendline" type="rfs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
+        <annotation>
+          <documentation>
+            Send a string terminated with a newline character on the
+            line.
+          </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+      </element>
+      <element name="EOF" type="rfs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
+        <annotation>
+          <documentation>
+            Expect the connecion to be closed.  This should only be
+            the last item in the sequence.
+          </documentation>
+        </annotation>
+      </element>
+    </choice>
+  </group>
   <simpleType name="suite-initvm">
     <restriction base="string">
       <enumeration value="bullseye" />

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