[elbe-devel] failed to set up loop device: Resource temporarily unavailable

Martin Petzold martin.petzold at tavla.de
Sat Jan 11 20:13:56 CET 2020

Hi Bastian,

for us it is in 95% of the cases. That's why our platform actually 
cannot be built. Please find attached the XML. However, I don't think it 
is related to the configuration. I am using elbe submit via 
gitlab-runner user on a Debian Buster clean installation with elbe. The 
command is run as a user added to the groups as described in the 
documentation (libvirt, libvirt-qemu, and kvm). I realized, that the 
build uses quite a lot for RAM. That's why I am currently running the VM 
with one core and 32GB of RAM. Disk is 64 GB with around 45GB free space.

Command: "elbe initvm --skip-build-bin --skip-build-sources --output 
target submit live.xml"

Thanks and kind regards,


Am 11.01.20 um 19:48 schrieb Bastian Germann:
> Hi Martin,
> we experience this issue also on a rare base with nested virtualization
> enabled. Can you provide a XML file that triggers the issue?
> Cheers,
> Bastian
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