[elbe-devel] [PATCH 1/3] commands test: Asynchronous testing

Torben Hohn torben.hohn at linutronix.de
Mon Jun 15 13:08:59 CEST 2020

On Mon, Jun 08, 2020 at 11:18:51PM -0400, Olivier Dion wrote:
> Tests now run in their own process.  Their outputs are captured into a
> temporary file.  When a test is done, its result is send back to the
> main process, which will print the outputs of the former if and only
> if it has failed or there was an error.  When all tests are done, the
> main process will print a summary and exit with none zero if any test
> failed.

This goes in the right direction. But we not completely there yet.

The levels are fine !
Parameters are fine too.

Regarding parallel tests, i am not sure, if we want/need that
already. We would like to have the tests output an xml
file with the results, so that jenkins can visualize the test results.
(Sorry, that i forgot to mentionm this)

Most of the (advanced) test runners support this.

If we run several elbe builds in parallel in the same initvm they will
fail, because there is only support for a single build per user, right
now. This limit is artificial, and could be removed.
But we also need to make sure, that elbe stops messing with the
deamons process environment.
But for now we have to work with this.

So when we want to run builds in parallel, we need to do this
via docker. This is already done via Jenkins controlling docker,
and starting jobs inside the containers.

We do not want to clutter the elbe source code with details, how
the containers are named, etc.
So the elbe code must not mess with docker.

But the test code must support something like a filter, where every Nth
test is run.

for N=4 
We will fire up 4 containers, and run

"elbe test --parallel-N=4 --prallel-i=0" in container 0
"elbe test --parallel-N=4 --prallel-i=1" in container 1
"elbe test --parallel-N=4 --prallel-i=2" in container 2
"elbe test --parallel-N=4 --prallel-i=3" in container 3

And then jenkins shall merge the resulting junit.xml files.

We only need to parallelize the long running tests.
But these are probably the ones tagged with INITVM level, right ?

another thing, that i would like to have, is that skipped tests
report, that they have been skipped. We are on py3 for the tests,
right ?



So the level should yield skipped tests.
The parallel-N thingy shall maybe not, because we want to merge
the junit.xmls later.

But, maybe we can make the merge code skip aware, and remove the
skppped tests from the merged result, iff it has not been skipped in
a parallel run.

But this needs more logic, because the cdrom rebuild has to be skipped
also, when the initial build already failed.

> * Test level
>   Every test can be categorize by its level.  Current level are, from
>   lowest to highest:
>     - BASE
>     - EXTEND
>     - INITVM
>     - FULL
>   the higher the level, the more time it will take to complete the
>   test run.
>   Classes that derived from 'unittest.TestCase' can set the attribute
>   'level'.  This attribute is inherited by all tests in a class.  If
>   no level is defined in a test case, then the default level, 'BASE',
>   is set.
> * Parameterization of tests
>   Test cases can parameterize their tests by defining the class
>   attribute 'params' to an iterable.  By doing so, every tests in a
>   test case that has defined the 'params' class attribute will be
>   cloned has many time has there's parameters in the iterable.  Every
>   clone is assigned a different value that can be retrieve with
>   'self.params'.
>   It's recommend to make a class that parameterizes its tests to
>   inherit from 'ElbeTestCase' instead of 'unittest.TestCase'.  The
>   former will be able to print the parameter of a test when string
>   formatted or matching when filtering.
>   For example:
>   --------------------------------------------------------------------
>   class MyTests(ElbeTestCase):
>       params = [1, 2, 3]
>       def test_foo(self):
>           print("foo %d" % self.params)
>       def test_bar(self):
>           print("bar %d" % self.params)
>   --------------------------------------------------------------------
>   will result in 6 tests (3 parameters x 2 tests).  The output might
>   be something like:
>   --------------------------------------------------------------------
>   foo 1
>   foo 3
>   bar 2
>   bar 1
>   foo 2
>   bar 3
>   --------------------------------------------------------------------
> * Parallel testing
>   As seen in the previous example, all tests are run in parallel and
>   thus one can not assumes the order of execution.  Anyway, all tests
>   are run in their own address space, and their outputs are redirect
>   to a temporary file.
>   When a test is finished, it puts into the results queue, which is
>   shared between _all_ processes, its results and the name of its
>   temporary file.  The main process then proceed to collect the
>   results and will print the outputs of a test only if the latter has
>   failed in some way.
> * Test discovery
>   Tests are discovered the same way as before.  The only difference
>   here is that the loader's suite class is set to 'ElbeTestSuite'.
>   This allows us to capture all tests.  From there, we can set the
>   'level' attribute if there's none and we can clone tests that have
>   the 'params' attribute set.
> * Test filtering
>   Tests can be filtered using their level or by matching their name.
>   To filter tests by their level, the command line option '-l' or
>   '--level' can be used to set the level threshold.  All tests with a
>   level less or equal to that threshold will run.  The default
>   threshold is 'BASE'.
>   To filter tests by their name, the command line option '-f' or
>   '--filter' can be used to filter tests based on an insensitive case
>   regular expression.  The filtering can be inverse using the '-i' or
>   '--invert' flag.  The default regular expression for filtering is
>   '.*', which match anything.
> * Dry run
>   If one needs to test their filtering rules before running tests, the
>   '-d' or '--dry-run' flag can be used to only print tests that
>   would've run and exit.
> Signed-off-by: Olivier Dion <dion at linutronix.de>
> ---
>  elbepack/commands/test.py | 215 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
>  1 file changed, 212 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/elbepack/commands/test.py b/elbepack/commands/test.py
> index c306b8f6..4caa32f5 100644
> --- a/elbepack/commands/test.py
> +++ b/elbepack/commands/test.py
> @@ -5,12 +5,221 @@
>  # elbepack/commands/test.py - Elbe unit test wrapper
> +import copy
> +import enum
> +import multiprocessing
> +import optparse
>  import os
> +import re
> +import tempfile
> +import unittest
> -from elbepack.shellhelper import system
> +TMP_PREFIX = "elbe-test-"
> +
> +class ElbeTestLevel(enum.IntEnum):
> +    BASE   = enum.auto()
> +    EXTEND = enum.auto()
> +    INITVM = enum.auto()
> +    FULL   = enum.auto()
> +
> +# TODO:py3 - Remove useless object inheritance
> +# pylint: disable=useless-object-inheritance
> +class ElbeTestResult(object):
> +
> +    """Simple wrapper around unittest.TestReport
> +
> +    Some object of the latter can not be serialized.  This wrapper
> +    fake a TestReport that can be used by the parent process and it
> +    can be passed with a pipe by its children.
> +    """
> +
> +    def __init__(self, unittest_result):
> +
> +        # These should all be of length of 0 or 1
> +        self.errors   = [(str(x), y) for x, y in unittest_result.errors]
> +        self.failures = [(str(x), y) for x, y in unittest_result.failures]
> +        assert len(self.errors) + len(self.failures) < 2
> +
> +        # This should always be 1
> +        self.testsRun = unittest_result.testsRun
> +        assert self.testsRun == 1
> +
> +class ElbeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
> +
> +    def __str__(self):
> +        name = super(ElbeTestCase, self).__str__()
> +        if hasattr(self, "params"):
> +            return "%s : params=%s" % (name, getattr(self, "params"))
> +        return name
> +
> +# TODO:py3 - Remove useless object inheritance
> +# pylint: disable=useless-object-inheritance
> +class ElbeTestSuite(object):
> +
> +    # This must be a list not a set!!!
> +    tests  = []
> +
> +    def __init__(self, tests):
> +
> +        for test in tests:
> +
> +            if isinstance(test, ElbeTestSuite):
> +                continue
> +
> +            # Compatibility with doctests
> +            if not hasattr(test, "level"):
> +                setattr(test, "level", ElbeTestLevel.BASE)
> +
> +            if not hasattr(test, "params"):
> +                self.tests.append(test)
> +                continue
> +
> +            for param in test.params:
> +                clone        = copy.deepcopy(test)
> +                clone.params = param
> +                self.tests.append(clone)
> +
> +    def __iter__(self):
> +        for test in self.tests:
> +            yield test
> +
> +    def filter_test(self, level, regex, invert):
> +
> +        rc = re.compile(regex, re.IGNORECASE)
> +
> +        elected  = []
> +
> +        for test in self.tests:
> +
> +            if test.level > level:
> +                continue
> +
> +            if (rc.search(str(test)) is None) ^ invert:
> +                continue
> +
> +            elected.append(test)
> +
> +        self.tests = elected
> +
> +    def ls(self):
> +        for test in self:
> +            print("Running %s" % test)
> +
> +# This function is execute in the children's context
> +def do_test(test, Q):
> +
> +    # Capture everything
> +    out = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, prefix=TMP_PREFIX)
> +    os.dup2(out.fileno(), os.sys.stdout.fileno())
> +    os.dup2(out.fileno(), os.sys.stderr.fileno())
> +
> +    result        = unittest.TestResult()
> +    result.buffer = False
> +
> +    try:
> +        test.run(result)
> +    finally:
> +        Q.put((ElbeTestResult(result), out.name))
>  def run_command(argv):
> +
> +    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
> +
>      this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
>      top_dir  = os.path.join(this_dir, "..", "..")
> -    system("python -m unittest discover --start-directory '%s' %s" %
> -           (top_dir, " ".join(argv)), allow_fail=True)
> +
> +    oparser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options]")
> +
> +    oparser.add_option("-f", "--filter", dest="filter",
> +                       metavar="REGEX", type="string", default=".*",
> +                       help="Run specific test according to a filter rule")
> +
> +    oparser.add_option("-l", "--level", dest="level",
> +                       type="string", default="BASE",
> +                       help="Set test level threshold")
> +
> +    oparser.add_option("-i", "--invert", dest="invert",
> +                      action="store_true", default=False,
> +                      help="Invert the matching of --filter")
> +
> +    oparser.add_option("-d", "--dry-run", dest="dry_run",
> +                       action="store_true", default=False,
> +                       help="List tests that would have been executed and exit")
> +
> +    (opt, _) = oparser.parse_args(argv)
> +
> +    # Set test threshold
> +    if opt.level not in ElbeTestLevel.__members__:
> +        print("Invalid level value '%s'. Valid values are: %s" %
> +              (opt.level, ", ".join(key for key in ElbeTestLevel.__members__)))
> +        os.sys.exit(20)
> +
> +    # Find all tests
> +    loader            = unittest.defaultTestLoader
> +    loader.suiteClass = ElbeTestSuite
> +    suite             = loader.discover(top_dir)
> +
> +    # then filter them
> +    suite.filter_test(ElbeTestLevel[opt.level], opt.filter, opt.invert)
> +
> +    # print them
> +    suite.ls()
> +
> +    # Dry run? Just exit gently
> +    if opt.dry_run:
> +        print("SUMMARY: This was a dry run. No tests were executed")
> +        os.sys.exit(0)
> +
> +    # Result queue shared between the parent and its children
> +    results = multiprocessing.Queue()
> +
> +    # Number of tests to run
> +    cnt = 0
> +
> +    # Start all tests in their seperate process
> +    for test in suite:
> +        p = multiprocessing.Process(target=do_test,
> +                                    args=(test, results))
> +        p.start()
> +        cnt += 1
> +
> +    def print_result(out, result, ctx):
> +
> +        with open(out, "r") as f:
> +
> +            header = "%s %s" % (ctx, result[0])
> +            body   = result[1]
> +
> +            print("\n" + "=" * len(header))
> +            print(header)
> +            print("-" * len(header))
> +            print(f.read(), end="")
> +            print(body, end="")
> +            print("-" * len(header))
> +
> +    run_cnt  = 0
> +    err_cnt  = 0
> +    fail_cnt = 0
> +
> +    # Wait for tests to complete
> +    while cnt:
> +
> +        result, out = results.get()
> +
> +        run_cnt  += result.testsRun
> +        err_cnt  += len(result.errors)
> +        fail_cnt += len(result.failures)
> +
> +        if result.errors:
> +            print_result(out, result.errors[0], "ERROR")
> +        if result.failures:
> +            print_result(out, result.failures[0], "FAIL")
> +
> +        os.remove(out)
> +
> +        cnt -= 1
> +
> +    print("SUMMARRY: Ran %d tests, %d errors and %d failures" %
> +          (run_cnt, err_cnt, fail_cnt))
> +
> +    os.sys.exit(err_cnt | fail_cnt)
> -- 
> 2.27.0
> _______________________________________________
> elbe-devel mailing list
> elbe-devel at linutronix.de
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Torben Hohn
Linutronix GmbH | Bahnhofstrasse 3 | D-88690 Uhldingen-Mühlhofen
Phone: +49 7556 25 999 18; Fax.: +49 7556 25 999 99

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