[elbe-devel] [PATCH 3/4] elbepack: initvm: introduce a dedicated initvm class

Thomas Weißschuh thomas.weissschuh at linutronix.de
Fri Jul 26 13:45:56 CEST 2024

Instead of keeping the logic in the CLI handlers and forcing all initvm
interaction going through the CLI, introduce a dedicated class hierarchy
for initvms.
This enables easier interaction with the initvm throughout the codebase.
It removes the need to roundtrip all configuration parameters through
the CLI calls and make it easier to introduce new types of initvms with
different configurations.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Weißschuh <thomas.weissschuh at linutronix.de>
 debian/python3-elbe-common.install |   1 +
 elbepack/initvm.py                 | 410 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 elbepack/initvmaction.py           | 425 ++-----------------------------------
 3 files changed, 430 insertions(+), 406 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/python3-elbe-common.install b/debian/python3-elbe-common.install
index c1dbd0b42e4f..c3aeef1f8923 100644
--- a/debian/python3-elbe-common.install
+++ b/debian/python3-elbe-common.install
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ usr/lib/python3.*/*-packages/elbepack/egpg.py
diff --git a/elbepack/initvm.py b/elbepack/initvm.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..64fc6cce32bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elbepack/initvm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+# ELBE - Debian Based Embedded Rootfilesystem Builder
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Linutronix GmbH
+import abc
+import contextlib
+import importlib
+import io
+import os
+import shutil
+import socket
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+from elbepack.config import cfg
+from elbepack.directories import run_elbe
+from elbepack.treeutils import etree
+def _is_soap_port_reachable():
+    """
+    Test if a service is bound to the soap port.
+    """
+    port = int(cfg['soapport'])
+    try:
+        with socket.create_connection(('', port)):
+            pass
+    except Exception:
+        return False
+    return True
+def _test_soap_communication(sleep=10, wait=120):
+    """
+    Test communication with soap service.
+    In case of error, this fuction terminates the command with exit code 123.
+    Tests the soap service communication by requesting the list of projects.
+    If this works, the communication is ok and the service is up and seems to be healty.
+    """
+    stop = time.time() + wait
+    while True:
+        if _is_soap_port_reachable():
+            ps = run_elbe(['control', 'list_projects'], capture_output=True, encoding='utf-8')
+            if ps.returncode == 0:
+                break
+        if time.time() > stop:
+            print(f'Waited for {wait/60} minutes and the daemon is still not active.',
+                  file=sys.stderr)
+            sys.exit(123)
+        print('*', end='', flush=True)
+        time.sleep(sleep)
+def _build_initvm(directory):
+    try:
+        subprocess.run(['make'], cwd=directory, check=True)
+    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+        print('Building the initvm Failed', file=sys.stderr)
+        print('Giving up', file=sys.stderr)
+        sys.exit(147)
+class _InitVM(abc.ABC):
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def _build(self):
+        pass
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def start(self):
+        pass
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def ensure(self):
+        pass
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def attach(self):
+        pass
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def stop(self):
+        pass
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def destroy(self):
+        pass
+class LibvirtInitVM(_InitVM):
+    def __init__(self, /, domain, directory, uri='qemu:///system'):
+        self._uri = uri
+        self._libvirt = importlib.import_module('libvirt', package=__name__)
+        self._domain = domain
+        self._directory = directory
+        self._conn = None
+        self._connect()
+    def _connect(self):
+        if self._conn is not None:
+            raise Exception('Already connected')
+        try:
+            self._conn = self._libvirt.open(self._uri)
+        except self._libvirt.libvirtError as verr:
+            if not isinstance(verr.args[0], str):
+                raise
+            if verr.args[0].startswith('Failed to connect socket to'):
+                retries = 18
+                while retries > 0:
+                    retries -= 1
+                    time.sleep(10)
+                    try:
+                        self._conn = self._libvirt.open(self._uri)
+                    except self._libvirt.libvirtError as verr:
+                        if not isinstance(verr.args[0], str):
+                            raise
+                        if verr.args[0].startswith('Failed to connect socket to'):
+                            pass
+                    if self._conn:
+                        break
+                if not self._conn:
+                    print('', file=sys.stderr)
+                    print('Accessing libvirt provider system not possible.', file=sys.stderr)
+                    print('Even after waiting 180 seconds.', file=sys.stderr)
+                    print("Make sure that package 'libvirt-daemon-system' is", file=sys.stderr)
+                    print('installed, and the service is running properly', file=sys.stderr)
+                    sys.exit(118)
+            elif verr.args[0].startswith('authentication unavailable'):
+                print('', file=sys.stderr)
+                print('Accessing libvirt provider system not allowed.', file=sys.stderr)
+                print('Users which want to use elbe'
+                      "need to be members of the 'libvirt' group.", file=sys.stderr)
+                print("'gpasswd -a <user> libvirt' and logging in again,", file=sys.stderr)
+                print('should fix the problem.', file=sys.stderr)
+                sys.exit(119)
+            elif verr.args[0].startswith('error from service: CheckAuthorization'):
+                print('', file=sys.stderr)
+                print('Accessing libvirt failed.', file=sys.stderr)
+                print('Probably entering the password for accssing libvirt', file=sys.stderr)
+                print("timed out. If this occured after 'elbe initvm create'", file=sys.stderr)
+                print("it should be safe to use 'elbe initvm start' to", file=sys.stderr)
+                print('continue.', file=sys.stderr)
+                sys.exit(120)
+            else:
+                # In case we get here, the exception is unknown, and we want to see it
+                raise
+    def _get_domain(self):
+        doms = self._conn.listAllDomains()
+        for d in doms:
+            if d.name() == self._domain:
+                return d
+    @staticmethod
+    def _state(domain):
+        return domain.info()[0]
+    def _libvirt_enable_kvm(self, xml):
+        caps_tree = etree(io.StringIO(self._conn.getCapabilities()))
+        domain_tree = etree(io.StringIO(xml))
+        arch = domain_tree.et.find('.//os/type').attrib['arch']
+        if caps_tree.et.find('.//guest/arch[@name="' + arch + '"]/domain[@type="kvm"]') is None:
+            return xml
+        domain_tree.root.et.attrib['type'] = 'kvm'
+        return domain_tree.tostring()
+    def _build(self):
+        if self._get_domain() is not None:
+            print(f"Initvm is already defined for the libvirt domain '{cfg['initvm_domain']}'.\n")
+            print('If you want to build in your old initvm, use `elbe initvm submit <xml>`.')
+            print('If you want to remove your old initvm from libvirt run `elbe initvm destroy`.\n')
+            print('You can specify another libvirt domain by setting the '
+                  'ELBE_INITVM_DOMAIN environment variable to an unused domain name.\n')
+            print('Note:')
+            print('\t1) You can reimport your old initvm via '
+                  '`virsh --connect qemu:///system define <file>`')
+            print('\t   where <file> is the corresponding libvirt.xml')
+            print('\t2) virsh --connect qemu:///system undefine does not delete the image '
+                  'of your old initvm.')
+            sys.exit(142)
+        _build_initvm(self._directory)
+        # Read xml file for libvirt.
+        with open(os.path.join(self._directory, 'libvirt.xml')) as f:
+            xml = f.read()
+        xml = self._libvirt_enable_kvm(xml)
+        # Register initvm in libvirt.
+        try:
+            self._conn.defineXML(xml)
+        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+            print('Registering initvm in libvirt failed', file=sys.stderr)
+            print('Try `elbe initvm destroy` to delete existing initvm',
+                  'to delete existing initvm',
+                  file=sys.stderr)
+            sys.exit(146)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _attach_disk_fds(domain):
+        # libvirt does not necessarily have permissions to directly access the
+        # image file. libvirt 9.0 provides FDAssociate() to pass an open file
+        # descriptor to libvirt which is used to access files via the context
+        # of the client, which has permissions.
+        if not hasattr(domain, 'FDAssociate'):
+            return
+        xml = etree(io.StringIO(domain.XMLDesc()))
+        disk = xml.et.find('.//devices/disk')
+        for source in disk.findall('.//source'):
+            flags = os.O_RDWR if source.getparent() is disk else os.O_RDONLY
+            # Use raw unmanaged FDs as libvirt will take full ownership of them.
+            domain.FDAssociate(source.attrib['fdgroup'], [
+                os.open(source.attrib['file'], flags),
+            ])
+    def start(self):
+        domain = self._get_domain()
+        state = self._state(domain)
+        if state == self._libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING:
+            print('Initvm already running.')
+            sys.exit(122)
+        elif state == self._libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF:
+            self._attach_disk_fds(domain)
+            # Domain is shut off. Let's start it!
+            domain.create()
+            # Wait five seconds for the initvm to boot
+            # TODO: Instead of waiting for five seconds
+            # check whether SOAP server is reachable.
+            for _ in range(1, 5):
+                sys.stdout.write('*')
+                sys.stdout.flush()
+                time.sleep(1)
+            print('*')
+    def ensure(self):
+        state = self._state(self._get_domain())
+        if state == self._libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF:
+            run_elbe(['initvm', 'start'], check=True)
+        elif state == self._libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING:
+            _test_soap_communication()
+        else:
+            print('Elbe initvm in bad state.')
+            sys.exit(124)
+    def stop(self):
+        domain = self._get_domain()
+        state = self._state(domain)
+        if state != self._libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING:
+            print('Initvm is not running.')
+            sys.exit(125)
+        while True:
+            sys.stdout.write('*')
+            sys.stdout.flush()
+            time.sleep(1)
+            state = self._state(domain)
+            if state == self._libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN:
+                continue
+            if state == self._libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF:
+                break
+            try:
+                domain.shutdown()
+            except self._libvirt.libvirtError as e:
+                raise e
+        print('\nInitvm shutoff')
+    def attach(self):
+        if self._state(self._get_domain()) != self._libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING:
+            print('Error: Initvm not running properly.')
+            sys.exit(126)
+        print('Attaching to initvm console.')
+        subprocess.run(['virsh', '--connect', 'qemu:///system', 'console', cfg['initvm_domain']],
+                       check=True)
+    def destroy(self):
+        domain = self._get_domain()
+        with contextlib.suppress(self._libvirt.libvirtError):
+            domain.destroy()
+        with contextlib.suppress(self._libvirt.libvirtError):
+            domain.undefine()
+        shutil.rmtree(self._directory, ignore_errors=True)
+class QemuInitVM(_InitVM):
+    def __init__(self, /, directory):
+        self._directory = directory
+    def _get_initvmdir(self):
+        if not os.path.isdir(self._directory):
+            print('No initvm found!')
+            sys.exit(207)
+        return self._directory
+    def _build(self):
+        _build_initvm(self._directory)
+    def start(self):
+        initvmdir = self._get_initvmdir()
+        # Test if there is already a process bound to the expected port.
+        if _is_soap_port_reachable():
+            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(initvmdir, 'qemu-monitor-socket')):
+                # If the unix socket exists, assume this VM is bound to the soap port.
+                print('This initvm is already running.')
+            else:
+                # If no unix socket file is found, assume another VM is bound to the soap port.
+                print('There is already another running initvm.\nPlease stop this VM first.')
+                sys.exit(211)
+        else:
+            # Try to start the QEMU VM for the given directory.
+            try:
+                subprocess.Popen(['make', 'run_qemu'], cwd=initvmdir)
+            except Exception as e:
+                print(f'Running QEMU failed: {e}')
+                sys.exit(211)
+            # This will sys.exit on error.
+            _test_soap_communication(sleep=1, wait=60)
+            print('initvm started successfully')
+    def ensure(self):
+        if not _is_soap_port_reachable():
+            print('Elbe initvm in bad state.\nNo process found on soap port.')
+            sys.exit(206)
+    def stop(self):
+        """
+        Stop the QEMU initvm.
+        This method tries to stop the QEMU initvm by sending a poweroff event
+        using QEMU monitor.
+        """
+        initvmdir = self._get_initvmdir()
+        socket_path = os.path.join(initvmdir, 'qemu-monitor-socket')
+        # Test if QEMU monitor unix-socket file exists, and error exit if not.
+        if not os.path.exists(socket_path):
+            print('No unix socket found for this vm!\nunable to shutdown this vm.')
+            sys.exit(212)
+        try:
+            with socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as client:
+                client.connect(socket_path)
+                client.sendall(b'system_powerdown\n')
+                # Give monitor time to react - closing too early stops command processing.
+                time.sleep(2)
+        except Exception:
+            # Shutting down the VM will break the connection.
+            pass
+        if _is_soap_port_reachable():
+            print('\nstopping initvm failed!')
+        else:
+            print('\ninitvm stopped successfully')
+    def attach(self):
+        """
+        Attach to QEMU initvm.
+        This method is using socat to connect to the unix-socket of the
+        serial console of the initvm.
+        """
+        initvmdir = self._get_initvmdir()
+        # Test if socat command is available.
+        if shutil.which('socat') is None:
+            print('The command "socat" is required.\nPlease install socat: sudo apt install socat')
+            sys.exit(208)
+        # Connect to socket file, if it exists.
+        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(initvmdir, 'vm-serial-socket')):
+            subprocess.run(['socat', 'stdin,raw,echo=0,escape=0x11',
+                            'unix-connect:vm-serial-socket'],
+                           cwd=initvmdir, check=False)
+        else:
+            print('No unix socket found for the console of this vm!\nUnable to attach.')
+            if _is_soap_port_reachable():
+                print('There seems to be another initvm running. The soap port is in use.')
+            sys.exit(212)
+    def destroy(self):
+        shutil.rmtree(self._directory, ignore_errors=True)
diff --git a/elbepack/initvmaction.py b/elbepack/initvmaction.py
index c5f8d2f7128c..01dfdf598632 100644
--- a/elbepack/initvmaction.py
+++ b/elbepack/initvmaction.py
@@ -3,16 +3,13 @@
 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2018 Linutronix GmbH
 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015 Silvio Fricke <silvio.fricke at gmail.com>
-import contextlib
-import io
 import os
-import shutil
-import socket
 import subprocess
 import sys
 import time
 import elbepack
+import elbepack.initvm
 from elbepack.config import cfg
 from elbepack.directories import run_elbe
 from elbepack.elbexml import ElbeXML, ValidationError, ValidationMode
@@ -22,16 +19,11 @@ from elbepack.treeutils import etree
 from elbepack.xmlpreprocess import preprocess_file
-def is_soap_local():
-    return cfg['soaphost'] in ('localhost', '')
 prog = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
 class InitVMAction:
     actiondict = {}
-    initvmNeeded = True
     def register(cls, tag):
@@ -48,376 +40,49 @@ class InitVMAction:
             print(f'   {a}', file=sys.stderr)
-    def get_action_class(cls, action):
-        return cls.actiondict[action]
+    def get_action_class(cls, name):
+        return cls.actiondict[name]
     def __init__(self, directory, opt):
         self.directory = directory
-        self.initvm = None
-        self.conn = None
-        # The initvm might be running on a different host. Thus there's
-        # no need to talk with libvirt.
-        if not is_soap_local():
-            return
-        # Skip checking and finding the libvirt vm for QEMU mode.
         if opt.qemu_mode:
-            return
-        import libvirt
-        # The tag initvmNeeded is required in order to be able to run `elbe
-        # initvm create`
-        try:
-            self.conn = libvirt.open('qemu:///system')
-        except libvirt.libvirtError as verr:
-            if not isinstance(verr.args[0], str):
-                raise
-            if verr.args[0].startswith('Failed to connect socket to'):
-                retries = 18
-                while retries > 0:
-                    retries -= 1
-                    time.sleep(10)
-                    try:
-                        self.conn = libvirt.open('qemu:///system')
-                    except libvirt.libvirtError as verr:
-                        if not isinstance(verr.args[0], str):
-                            raise
-                        if verr.args[0].startswith('Failed to connect socket to'):
-                            pass
-                    if self.conn:
-                        break
-                if not self.conn:
-                    print('', file=sys.stderr)
-                    print('Accessing libvirt provider system not possible.', file=sys.stderr)
-                    print('Even after waiting 180 seconds.', file=sys.stderr)
-                    print("Make sure that package 'libvirt-daemon-system' is", file=sys.stderr)
-                    print('installed, and the service is running properly', file=sys.stderr)
-                    sys.exit(118)
-            elif verr.args[0].startswith('authentication unavailable'):
-                print('', file=sys.stderr)
-                print('Accessing libvirt provider system not allowed.', file=sys.stderr)
-                print('Users which want to use elbe'
-                      "need to be members of the 'libvirt' group.", file=sys.stderr)
-                print("'gpasswd -a <user> libvirt' and logging in again,", file=sys.stderr)
-                print('should fix the problem.', file=sys.stderr)
-                sys.exit(119)
-            elif verr.args[0].startswith('error from service: CheckAuthorization'):
-                print('', file=sys.stderr)
-                print('Accessing libvirt failed.', file=sys.stderr)
-                print('Probably entering the password for accssing libvirt', file=sys.stderr)
-                print("timed out. If this occured after 'elbe initvm create'", file=sys.stderr)
-                print("it should be safe to use 'elbe initvm start' to", file=sys.stderr)
-                print('continue.', file=sys.stderr)
-                sys.exit(120)
-            else:
-                # In case we get here, the exception is unknown, and we want to see it
-                raise
-        doms = self.conn.listAllDomains()
-        for d in doms:
-            if d.name() == cfg['initvm_domain']:
-                self.initvm = d
-        if not self.initvm and self.initvmNeeded:
-            sys.exit(121)
+            self.initvm = elbepack.initvm.QemuInitVM(directory=directory)
+        else:
+            self.initvm = elbepack.initvm.LibvirtInitVM(directory=directory,
+                                                        domain=cfg['initvm_domain'])
-    def execute(self, _opt, _args):
+    def execute(self, opt, args):
         raise NotImplementedError('execute() not implemented')
-    def initvm_state(self):
-        return self.initvm.info()[0]
-def is_soap_port_reachable():
-    """
-    Test if a service is bound to the soap port.
-    """
-    port = int(cfg['soapport'])
-    try:
-        with socket.create_connection(('', port)):
-            pass
-    except Exception:
-        return False
-    return True
-def test_soap_communication(sleep=10, wait=120):
-    """
-    Test communication with soap service.
-    In case of error, this fuction terminates the command with exit code 123.
-    Tests the soap service communication by requesting the list of projects.
-    If this works, the communication is ok and the service is up and seems to be healty.
-    """
-    stop = time.time() + wait
-    while True:
-        if is_soap_port_reachable():
-            ps = run_elbe(['control', 'list_projects'], capture_output=True, encoding='utf-8')
-            if ps.returncode == 0:
-                break
-        if time.time() > stop:
-            print(f'Waited for {wait/60} minutes and the daemon is still not active.',
-                  file=sys.stderr)
-            sys.exit(123)
-        print('*', end='', flush=True)
-        time.sleep(sleep)
-def check_initvm_dir(initvmdir):
-    # For QEMU mode, the user needs to provide the path to the initvm directory.
-    if initvmdir is None:
-        if os.path.isdir('./initvm'):
-            print('Using default initvm directory "./initvm".')
-            initvmdir = './initvm'
-        else:
-            print('No initvm found!')
-            sys.exit(207)
-    return initvmdir
 class StartAction(InitVMAction):
-    def _attach_disk_fds(self):
-        # libvirt does not necessarily have permissions to directly access the
-        # image file. libvirt 9.0 provides FDAssociate() to pass an open file
-        # descriptor to libvirt which is used to access files via the context
-        # of the client, which has permissions.
-        if not hasattr(self.initvm, 'FDAssociate'):
-            return
-        xml = etree(io.StringIO(self.initvm.XMLDesc()))
-        disk = xml.et.find('.//devices/disk')
-        for source in disk.findall('.//source'):
-            flags = os.O_RDWR if source.getparent() is disk else os.O_RDONLY
-            # Use raw unmanaged FDs as libvirt will take full ownership of them.
-            self.initvm.FDAssociate(source.attrib['fdgroup'], [
-                os.open(source.attrib['file'], flags),
-            ])
-    def _run_qemu_vm(self, initvmdir):
-        """
-        Start the initvm in QEMU mode.
-        This method starts the initvm in QEMU mode if another initvm is
-        not already running.
-        """
-        initvmdir = check_initvm_dir(initvmdir)
-        # Test if there is already a process bound to the expected port.
-        if is_soap_port_reachable():
-            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(initvmdir, 'qemu-monitor-socket')):
-                # If the unix socket exists, assume this VM is bound to the soap port.
-                print('This initvm is already running.')
-            else:
-                # If no unix socket file is found, assume another VM is bound to the soap port.
-                print('There is already another running initvm.\nPlease stop this VM first.')
-                sys.exit(211)
-        else:
-            # Try to start the QEMU VM for the given directory.
-            try:
-                subprocess.Popen(['make', 'run_qemu'], cwd=initvmdir)
-            except Exception as e:
-                print(f'Running QEMU failed: {e}')
-                sys.exit(211)
-            # This will sys.exit on error.
-            test_soap_communication(sleep=1, wait=60)
-            print('initvm started successfully')
-    def _run_libvirt(self):
-        import libvirt
-        if self.initvm_state() == libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING:
-            print('Initvm already running.')
-            sys.exit(122)
-        elif self.initvm_state() == libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF:
-            self._attach_disk_fds()
-            # Domain is shut off. Let's start it!
-            self.initvm.create()
-            # Wait five seconds for the initvm to boot
-            # TODO: Instead of waiting for five seconds
-            # check whether SOAP server is reachable.
-            for _ in range(1, 5):
-                sys.stdout.write('*')
-                sys.stdout.flush()
-                time.sleep(1)
-            print('*')
-    def execute(self, opt, _args):
-        # handle QEMU mode
-        if opt.qemu_mode:
-            self._run_qemu_vm(self.directory)
-        else:
-            self._run_libvirt()
+    def execute(self, opt, args):
+        self.initvm.start()
 class EnsureAction(InitVMAction):
-    def execute(self, opt, _args):
-        # initvm might be running on a different host, thus skipping
-        # the check
-        if not is_soap_local():
-            return
-        # use port bind test in case of if QEMU mode
-        if opt.qemu_mode:
-            if not is_soap_port_reachable():
-                print('Elbe initvm in bad state.\nNo process found on soap port.')
-                sys.exit(206)
-            return
-        import libvirt
-        if self.initvm_state() == libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF:
-            run_elbe(['initvm', 'start'], check=True)
-        elif self.initvm_state() == libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING:
-            test_soap_communication()
-        else:
-            print('Elbe initvm in bad state.')
-            sys.exit(124)
+    def execute(self, opt, args):
+        self.initvm.ensure()
 class StopAction(InitVMAction):
-    def _stop_qemu_vm(self, initvmdir):
-        """
-        Stop the QEMU initvm.
-        This method tries to stop the QEMU initvm by sending a poweroff event
-        using QEMU monitor.
-        """
-        initvmdir = check_initvm_dir(initvmdir)
-        socket_path = os.path.join(initvmdir, 'qemu-monitor-socket')
-        # Test if QEMU monitor unix-socket file exists, and error exit if not.
-        if not os.path.exists(socket_path):
-            print('No unix socket found for this vm!\nunable to shutdown this vm.')
-            sys.exit(212)
-        try:
-            with socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as client:
-                client.connect(socket_path)
-                client.sendall(b'system_powerdown\n')
-                # Give monitor time to react - closing too early stops command processing.
-                time.sleep(2)
-        except Exception:
-            # Shutting down the VM will break the connection.
-            pass
-        if is_soap_port_reachable():
-            print('\nstopping initvm failed!')
-        else:
-            print('\ninitvm stopped successfully')
-    def execute(self, opt, _args):
-        if opt.qemu_mode:
-            self._stop_qemu_vm(self.directory)
-            return
-        import libvirt
-        if self.initvm_state() != libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING:
-            print('Initvm is not running.')
-            sys.exit(125)
-        while True:
-            sys.stdout.write('*')
-            sys.stdout.flush()
-            time.sleep(1)
-            state = self.initvm_state()
-            if state == libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN:
-                continue
-            if state == libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF:
-                break
-            try:
-                self.initvm.shutdown()
-            except libvirt.libvirtError as e:
-                raise e
-        print('\nInitvm shutoff')
+    def execute(self, opt, args):
+        self.initvm.stop()
 class DestroyAction(InitVMAction):
     def execute(self, initvmdir, opt, _args):
-        if not opt.qemu_mode:
-            import libvirt
-            with contextlib.suppress(libvirt.libvirtError):
-                self.initvm.destroy()
-            with contextlib.suppress(libvirt.libvirtError):
-                self.initvm.undefineFlags(libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_MANAGED_SAVE)
-        shutil.rmtree(initvmdir, ignore_errors=True)
+        self.initvm.destroy()
 class AttachAction(InitVMAction):
-    def _attach_qemu_vm(self, initvmdir):
-        """
-        Attach to QEMU initvm.
-        This method is using socat to connect to the unix-socket of the
-        serial console of the initvm.
-        """
-        initvmdir = check_initvm_dir(initvmdir)
-        # Test if socat command is available.
-        if shutil.which('socat') is None:
-            print('The command "socat" is required.\nPlease install socat: sudo apt install socat')
-            sys.exit(208)
-        # Connect to socket file, if it exists.
-        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(initvmdir, 'vm-serial-socket')):
-            subprocess.run(['socat', 'stdin,raw,echo=0,escape=0x11',
-                            'unix-connect:vm-serial-socket'],
-                           cwd=initvmdir, check=False)
-        else:
-            print('No unix socket found for the console of this vm!\nUnable to attach.')
-            if is_soap_port_reachable():
-                print('There seems to be another initvm running. The soap port is in use.')
-            sys.exit(212)
-    def _attach_libvirt_vm(self):
-        import libvirt
-        if self.initvm_state() != libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING:
-            print('Error: Initvm not running properly.')
-            sys.exit(126)
-        print('Attaching to initvm console.')
-        subprocess.run(['virsh', '--connect', 'qemu:///system', 'console', cfg['initvm_domain']],
-                       check=True)
-    def execute(self, opt, _args):
-        if opt.qemu_mode:
-            self._attach_qemu_vm(self.directory)
-        else:
-            self._attach_libvirt_vm()
+    def execute(self, opt, args):
+        self.initvm.attach()
 def submit_with_repodir_and_dl_result(xmlfile, cdrom, opt):
@@ -653,24 +318,7 @@ def extract_cdrom(cdrom):
 class CreateAction(InitVMAction):
-    initvmNeeded = False
     def execute(self, opt, args):
-        if self.initvm is not None and not opt.qemu_mode:
-            print(f"Initvm is already defined for the libvirt domain '{cfg['initvm_domain']}'.\n")
-            print('If you want to build in your old initvm, use `elbe initvm submit <xml>`.')
-            print('If you want to remove your old initvm from libvirt run `elbe initvm destroy`.\n')
-            print('You can specify another libvirt domain by setting the '
-                  'ELBE_INITVM_DOMAIN environment variable to an unused domain name.\n')
-            print('Note:')
-            print('\t1) You can reimport your old initvm via '
-                  '`virsh --connect qemu:///system define <file>`')
-            print('\t   where <file> is the corresponding libvirt.xml')
-            print('\t2) virsh --connect qemu:///system undefine does not delete the image '
-                  'of your old initvm.')
-            sys.exit(142)
         # Upgrade from older versions which used tmux
             subprocess.run(['tmux', 'has-session', '-t', 'ElbeInitVMSession'],
@@ -741,30 +389,7 @@ class CreateAction(InitVMAction):
             print('Giving up', file=sys.stderr)
-        # Skip libvirt VM creation in QEMU mode.
-        if not opt.qemu_mode:
-            # Read xml file for libvirt.
-            with open(os.path.join(self.directory, 'libvirt.xml')) as f:
-                xml = f.read()
-            xml = self._libvirt_enable_kvm(xml)
-            # Register initvm in libvirt.
-            try:
-                self.conn.defineXML(xml)
-            except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
-                print('Registering initvm in libvirt failed', file=sys.stderr)
-                print('Try `elbe initvm destroy` to delete existing initvm',
-                      file=sys.stderr)
-                sys.exit(146)
-        # Build initvm
-        try:
-            subprocess.run(['make'], cwd=self.directory, check=True)
-        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
-            print('Building the initvm Failed', file=sys.stderr)
-            print('Giving up', file=sys.stderr)
-            sys.exit(147)
+        self.initvm._build()
         # In case of QEMU mode, we need to forward the additional parameters.
         additional_params = []
@@ -799,18 +424,6 @@ class CreateAction(InitVMAction):
             submit_with_repodir_and_dl_result(xmlfile, cdrom, opt)
-    def _libvirt_enable_kvm(self, xml):
-        caps_tree = etree(io.StringIO(self.conn.getCapabilities()))
-        domain_tree = etree(io.StringIO(xml))
-        arch = domain_tree.et.find('.//os/type').attrib['arch']
-        if caps_tree.et.find('.//guest/arch[@name="' + arch + '"]/domain[@type="kvm"]') is None:
-            return xml
-        domain_tree.root.et.attrib['type'] = 'kvm'
-        return domain_tree.tostring()
 class SubmitAction(InitVMAction):
@@ -819,7 +432,7 @@ class SubmitAction(InitVMAction):
         # In case of QEMU mode, we need to forward the additional parameters.
         additional_params = []
         if opt.qemu_mode:
-            additional_params = ['--qemu', '--directory', directory]
+            additional_params = ['--qemu', '--directory', self.directory]
         ps = run_elbe(['initvm', 'ensure', *additional_params], capture_output=True,


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