[elbe-users] elbe stretch install pulls elbe-bootstrap from jessie

Manuel Traut manuel.traut at linutronix.de
Wed Apr 4 16:06:35 CEST 2018

On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 11:02:07AM +0100, Ralf Schlatterbeck wrote:
> I'm trying to build a new initvm on debian stretch using the debian
> packages.  The default install (without a .xml file) pulls
> elbe-bootstrap from the debian jessie packages.

That's correct.

> If I use an XML file it only works if I explicitly add 
>           <binary>
>             http://debian.linutronix.de/elbe-common jessie main
>           </binary>
> and my local repository also supports jessie, it seems debootstrap comes
> from jessie?

The elbe-bootstrap package always contains a jessie installer.

> Does elbe on stretch still use a debian jessie initvm?

yes. The initvm is always jessie.

> Should I use the elbe-testing version?

elbe-testing also uses jessie for creating the initvm.

..if there is no reason to upgrade the initvm to stretch, we keep it on jessie.

Do you see any reason for having stretch in the initvm?


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