[elbe-users] Inconsistent contents of UBIFS and nfsroot

Ralf Schlatterbeck rsc at runtux.com
Tue Feb 27 12:28:07 CET 2018

On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 10:22:48AM +0100, Ralf Schlatterbeck wrote:
> The two resulting filesystems do have different contents. In particular 
> the ubifs is missing the files /etc/init.d/rcS and /etc/init.d/rc

I've now built a new initvm from scratch and rebuilt everything. Now the
previously missing files are there in the ubifs.

Maybe this was a space problem in the elbe initvm?
Shouldn't there be some message that we're running out of space or
something? Or any other idea how I can avoid such effects in the future?
Note that the effect was reproduceable across several builds: The
nfsroot always had all files.

Dr. Ralf Schlatterbeck                  Tel:   +43/2243/26465-16
Open Source Consulting                  www:   http://www.runtux.com
Reichergasse 131, A-3411 Weidling       email: office at runtux.com

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