[elbe-users] Hard coded gnupg2 problem.

Richard Cochran richardcochran at gmail.com
Wed Aug 7 08:08:08 CEST 2019

The package, gnupg2, is a dummy package that is going away soon.

I have removed it from elbe v9 with this patch:
diff --git a/elbepack/egpg.py b/elbepack/egpg.py
index 22377ac34..f5a59fa83 100644
--- a/elbepack/egpg.py
+++ b/elbepack/egpg.py
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ def unlock_key(fingerprint):
     key = ctx.get_key(fingerprint, secret=True)
     keygrip = key.subkeys[0].keygrip
-    system("/usr/lib/gnupg2/gpg-preset-passphrase "
+    system("/usr/lib/gnupg/gpg-preset-passphrase "
            "--preset -P requiredToAvoidUserInput %s" % str(keygrip),
            env_add={"GNUPGHOME": "/var/cache/elbe/gnupg"})
diff --git a/elbepack/elbeproject.py b/elbepack/elbeproject.py
index d95dd4b1c..0c7b69139 100644
--- a/elbepack/elbeproject.py
+++ b/elbepack/elbeproject.py
@@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ class ElbeProject (object):
         # Run pbuilder --create
         self.log.do('pbuilder --create --configfile "%s" --aptconfdir "%s" '
-                    '--debootstrapopts --include="git gnupg2"' % (
+                    '--debootstrapopts --include="git gnupg"' % (
                         os.path.join(self.builddir, "pbuilderrc"),
                         os.path.join(self.builddir, "aptconfdir")))
diff --git a/elbepack/rfs.py b/elbepack/rfs.py
index 623c917fa..f0e49fdb8 100644
--- a/elbepack/rfs.py
+++ b/elbepack/rfs.py
@@ -154,10 +154,10 @@ class BuildEnv (object):
             includepkgs = self.xml.node("target/debootstrapvariant").et.get("includepkgs")
             strapcmd += '--variant="%s" ' % bootstrapvariant
-        if includepkgs and not "gnupg2" in includepkgs.split(','):
-            includepkgs += ",gnupg2"
+        if includepkgs and not "gnupg" in includepkgs.split(','):
+            includepkgs += ",gnupg"
         if not includepkgs:
-            includepkgs = "gnupg2"
+            includepkgs = "gnupg"
         strapcmd += ' --include="%s"' % includepkgs

But it still does not go away!

Trying to build ubuntu <suite>bionic</suite> with
elbe initvm --skip-build-bin --skip-build-sources --output=build_ifs submit ifs_arch.xml
fails with the following error:

debootstrap log

getting output from cmd +dpkg --print-architecture+
running cmd +debootstrap  --include="gnupg2" --no-check-gpg --arch=amd64 "bionic" "/var/cache/elbe/7d8a6f9a-d0d4-4a71-b128-a3727d16fcea/chroot" "http://us.arc+
I: Retrieving InRelease 
I: Retrieving Packages 
I: Validating Packages 
I: Resolving dependencies of required packages...
I: Resolving dependencies of base packages...
I: Checking component main on http://us.archive.ubuntu.com//ubuntu...
E: Couldn't find these debs: gnupg2

Command failed with errorcode 1
Build failed !!!

Debootstrap failed to install the base rootfilesystem.
Probable cause might be:
- Problems with Internet Connection
- Broken mirrors

Message from apt:
Debootstrap Failed

Where is that gnupg2 coming from?
How can I get rid of it?


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