[elbe-users] removing file in finetuning will upset archive validation

ew.foe at nassur.net ew.foe at nassur.net
Mon Mar 23 15:38:53 CET 2020

Dear developers,

being banned to the home office I have had time to play with elbe

So one of the things I'm doing in practically all my builds at work,
is this: via a build script

- I collect the content of a given directory (./local-changes/) into
   an archive added to a temporary .xml file
   : cp mybuild.xml tmp.mybuild.xml
   : elbe chg_archive tmp.mybuild.xml ./local-changes

- then I start elbe initvm and submit this build

- during the finetuning stage one of the files in the archive is
   called and deleted afterwards:
   : cat mybuild.xml
   :     <finetuning>
   :         <!-- run the separate script from archive -->
   :         <command>chmod 0750 /root/f.finetuning.sh</command>
   :         <command>/root/f.finetuning.sh</command>
   :         <!-- remove the script afterwards -->
   :         <rm>/root/f.finetuning.sh</rm>
   :     </finetuning>

- this fails

   : [INFO] Archive validation
   : [INFO] ------------------
   : [INFO]
   : [ERROR] Archive file /root/f.finetuning.sh deleted in finetuning
   : [CMD] mkdir -p  

- this and has been reported before:

 From the log files I understand that the commands are executed fine.
However, the archive validation step does not know, that the file was
removed intentionally.

So what is the correct way to do this?

One can argue that this should not be available, because rebuilding
the image will be impossible later, if the script is not available.

I have started using this "extra" script to create user accounts with
more attributes than available through the adduser tag.
- setting defined passwords not in clear, but as crypted string
- adding the --add_extra_groups option
This may not sound very "embedded", however, this is what I need to
do. And once this worked I have added pretty much all the gnarly steps
to change configuration into this script rather than the finetuning

However, this mechanism now fails on me. :-(

Any ideas?


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