[elbe-devel] 1.9.24/devel-2.0 apt-listchanges missing in armhf bootstrap

Roland Lezuo rlezuo at m42-embedded.at
Tue Aug 8 10:47:45 CEST 2017


I am building a stretch/armhf RFS (on a stretch host) and stumbled
across the issue with apt-listchanges. According to [1] the fix is to
add it to the bootstrap packages, however the patch only handles the
case when is_cross() is false. Is there a specific reason to that, or
would it be correct to add --include=apt-listchanges in the debootstrap
commands a few lines below as well?

Best regards

[1]: https://github.com/Linutronix/elbe/commit/fd89ae61d6d041bfef43cf01

M42 embedded e.U.| Dr.techn. Roland Lezuo
Burggasse 79/11 | 1070 Wien | Austria
+43 650 9673446 | office at m42-embedded.at | www.m42-embedded.at
FN 441391h Handelsgericht Wien | UID ATU70022049

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