[elbe-devel] RFC: using pep8 coding style

Manuel Traut manuel.traut at linutronix.de
Tue Dec 19 16:30:52 CET 2017


i would like to have a common coding style in elbe.
PEP8 [0] describes a style-guide for python code.

There is tooling to check the coding style and for automatic refactoring.
So it would be easy to ensure that we follow this coding style in the future.

$ cd elbe
$ pycodestyle --statistics .

reports about 7000 coding style violations currently. After running

$ autopep8 -i -r -a -a -j 5 .

pycodestyle reports just about 100 violations. Most of them are 'E501 line to
long' and some others. All can be easily fixed 'by hand':

7       E211 whitespace before '('
6       E265 block comment should start with '# '
3       E266 too many leading '#' for block comment
2       E402 module level import not at top of file
98      E501 line too long (82 > 79 characters)
7       E741 ambiguous variable name 'l'

However an initial conversion introduces a lot of changes and so lowers the
usability of git-blame:

$ git diff | diffstat | tail -1
 94 files changed, 6206 insertions(+), 4850 deletions(-)

elbe is currently about 12k of python. So nearly every other line will be
changed by the cleanup!

I would like to do the conversion in multiple patches. One big patch, that
applies the changes from autopep8. And one single patch for each kind of error
detected by pycodestyle.

What do you think?



[0] https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/
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