[elbe-devel] RFC: using pep8 coding style

John Ogness john.ogness at linutronix.de
Wed Dec 20 13:05:11 CET 2017

On 2017-12-19, Manuel Traut <manuel.traut at linutronix.de> wrote:
> i would like to have a common coding style in elbe.

I also would like this.

> PEP8 [0] describes a style-guide for python code.

I am not a python guy, so I'll accept any style as long as there is one
and we have tools to automatically verify.

> elbe is currently about 12k of python. So nearly every other line will
> be changed by the cleanup!

My recommendation is to make it a separate release with only this
massive change and nothing else. It can be a testing release, but it
should be tagged separately. This will allow us to easily jump
before/after the cleanup for debugging in case the automatic cleanup
introduces some bugs. Maybe it will fix some bugs for us. ;-)

John Ogness

> [0] https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/

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