[elbe-users] ARM allwinner msdoshd: Specify binary blob

Ralf Schlatterbeck rsc at runtux.com
Mon Jan 29 21:17:11 CET 2018

I'm in the process of building elbe configs for various ARM allwinner
boards. Several questions:
- Has this already been done?
  I currently have Olimex A20-Lime2, Olimex A20-Micro, BananaPi M2+EDU
  and the Olimex DIY laptop with A64 CPU (although this is lower prio)
- The bootloader needs to be put into an MSDOS image at position 8k, how
  do I specify this? According to the schema reference at
  the binary blob gets a filename (?) and the description tells me
  "binary blob that is dd’ed to the specified offset". But *how* do I
  specify this offset?
- How do I specify the offset of the first partition in an msdoshd, is
  this fixed at 1024k (2048 512-byte blocks)?
- Is there a way to put boot config, kernel and dtb into the first
  partition without inserting them into a .tar into the .xml elbe file,
  or is this still the preferred method?
- I'm building on Debian Stretch for a Debian Stretch target. What
  version of elbe should I install?

Thanks for your help

Dr. Ralf Schlatterbeck                  Tel:   +43/2243/26465-16
Open Source Consulting                  www:   http://www.runtux.com
Reichergasse 131, A-3411 Weidling       email: office at runtux.com

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